Now that it is finally Spring, we are excited to watch all of the flowers start to grow. I recently found this flower measuring activity from Stay at Home Educator and fell in love with the concept. You will also find the free printables I am using in this activity from there. This is great to start practicing different math concepts for slightly order kids. My 5.5 year old really enjoyed this activity because it made her think in a different way. I printed and laminated the flower printables, then painted small square blocks and numbers I got from the dollar store. I got my daughter a piece of paper and pen so she could record the measurements there. My daughter really enjoys art so she loved to create her own spreadsheet and drew the flowers herself. If your child doesn’t want to do that you could draw it for them or you could write A,B,C, etc. on each flower card for them to record. This activity helped teach my daughter to measure using the wooden blocks, then she had to count how many, then practiced writing her numbers. Check out below to see how you can recreate this activity for yourself.
- small wooden blocks (from the Dollar or craft store and they do not need to be painted, I did so I can use them in a color sorting activity I am planning for my younger children)
- wooden numbers (from Dollar store or you could use puzzle pieces and whatever you already have)
- flower measure cards (found here)
- pen and paper
We used small wooden blocks to measure and then had my child match up the wooden numbers to the same amount she had counted. She then would record the measurements on her own spreadsheet which helped practice writing numbers.